Family ties. . . an adoption story

My mom
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This page is dedicated to my mother, Mary Goodwin.


The picture above is of my mother and Grandpa Orick.

I have to give thanks to my mother for giving me life. For making that hard decision to give me up after carrying me, feeling me grow and kick inside her and for not choosing abortion.

My mother has never been a selfish person, if she had been, none of us kids would be here today. My mom had a rough life and was wanting a family with endless love.

She found it after meeting a wonderful man, Charles Goodwin. Unfortunately, I did not have the pleasure of meeting this special man. He passed away almost 9 years ago.

Mom, I cannot describe the love I have for you. I was such an empty shell without my family in my life. You have made me complete. Thanks for allowing me in your life, and letting the past stay in the past. I know me "showing up" made you go through all those feelings that you had when you gave me up, the circumstances, etc.

For all of these reasons, and more, I love you with all my heart. Forever.

3 generations of Oricks! 10/9/02
This is my daughter on far right, age 19. First time all 3 were in a picture! Exciting!

I strongly advise you NOT (repeat: DO NOT!) to pay for searches. People out there prey on us as they know we would do anything to have our roots. Search the web, if you need help searching, email me. I will help you search.